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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Generating Harmony Reading

Unity and Harmony:
-James Whistler included musical terms in titles of his paintings.
  -Arrangement, Spectrum, and Harmony
-Achieve unity by bringing together lots of similar objects, shapes, and forms
     -Thematic Unity:
         -Collection of related objects
-Organized whole is gestalt
-Most logical way to achieve unity is to place objects in proximity
     -Bring elements close
          -Repeating elements produces patterns
          -Eyes follow lines
          -Leads eye around composition
          -Unifying a series of paintings by using a master grid
          -Enough variety to keep the reader interested
-Too much variety causes chaos
Thematic Unity:
     -Arrange by theme
        -Artists job to make it visible
The Grid:
    -Vertical and horizontal lines
    -Provide continuity
       -Unify, so it seems lime they're in the same family
Achieving Unity:
    -Hanging top edges from a line
    -Sitting bottom edges on a line
    -Aligning top edge with bottom edge
       -This is relaxing on the eye
Four main parts of proximity:

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